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Putting pastoral care at the heart of all we do, our motto, Bene Agere ac Laetari (Work Well and Be Happy), is the ‘golden thread’ that weaves its way through daily school life. Our Ac Laetari (‘be happy’) programme sits alongside the academic curriculum and is widely acknowledged to be one of the best in any school in the UK.

Delivering ground-breaking initiatives at all levels throughout the School, our aim is to equip each student with the necessary skills to tackle life with confidence and positivity. With the intense pressure and scrutiny society places on young people, the School’s three core values of aspiration, integrity and regard have never been more important. 

From weekly tutor group sessions to welcoming external speakers, students have recently covered subjects as wide-ranging as growth mindset and building resilience to drug and alcohol addiction and body image and self-esteem. Expert speakers, such as Natasha Devon MBE, regularly lead age-appropriate sessions and are an important part of our pastoral curriculum.

Our commitment to our students’ wellbeing remains absolute. Ultimately, we want everyone at KGS to ‘be happy’ and to thrive as part of a tolerant, inclusive and contented community of confident young adults and our pastoral provision is an integral part of this. 

“Without exception, those spoken to feel this is a kind school where unkindness is never acceptable.” (ISI, 2017). 

PSHE and Pastoral Programme for 2023/24. 

Welcome to our PSHE and Pastoral Programme for the academic year 2022-2023. This programme sits alongside our academic curriculum to support the social, emotional and physical development.