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10+ & 11+ Admissions Process

11+ Entry

Please note that registration for 11+ entry in 2025 is now closed.

Our aim is to ensure that our admission process not only recognises students who excel academically but also identifies those who will thrive personally at KGS.


To be considered for admission to Year 7 in September 2025, children should be in Year 6 when they sit the exam. The entrance exam for 2025 entry will take place at KGS on Friday, 8th November 2024.

To participate in the entrance examinations for Year 7 entry in 2025, registration must be completed by midday on Monday, 7th October 2024. Please visit our registration page to apply.

The Entrance Assessments:

The Entrance Assessments consist of two papers: English (Comprehension and Creative Writing), which lasts for 50 minutes, and Mathematics, also lasting 50 minutes. These papers are designed to align with age-appropriate National Curriculum levels.

There will be a break between papers, during which candidates can enjoy a snack and regroup before the second paper.

Learning Support:

If you require extra time and/or the use of a laptop in the entrance examinations, please indicate this on your registration form. A written recommendation from a Specialist Teacher or Educational Psychologist is required. This documentation must be received by the registration deadline. Our Head of Learning Support will review it and confirm any necessary examination concessions. It is important to note that exam concession requests are reviewed in line with the requirements of the ‘Joint Council for Qualifications’; they will only be awarded if the pupil would be granted the concessions in external formal exams.

Supporting Reference:

As part of the admissions process, we will contact your child's current Headteacher in advance of the entrance exam to request a confidential report supporting their application. Additionally, we kindly request that you upload a copy of your child’s most recent school report to their admissions profile.


If you would like your child to be considered for a Co-curricular scholarship (Art, Music, or Sport), a separate assessment is necessary. If you indicate your interest in a co-curricular scholarship on the registration form, the Scholarship application will be made available to you in your online admissions checklist. These assessments will take place in November/December, and exact dates and timings will be confirmed closer to the date. The deadline for scholarship applications will coincide with the registration deadline. You can find further information on our Scholarships page.


Candidates who demonstrate potential in the written assessments will be invited for an interview. The interview will either have a general focus or concentrate on English or Mathematics, depending on the candidate's weaker subject.

The interview is designed as a casual conversation, offering a chance to explore the candidate's interests and hobbies, while fostering a friendly and engaging atmosphere. We strongly discourage interview coaching, as we prefer to observe the candidate's authentic personality.

The interviews will take place at the School on Tuesday 7th January 2025.


Once all entrance and scholarship assessments have concluded, we evaluate each candidate's performance, considering their performance in the entrance exams/scholarship assessments, their interview, and their school references.

Offers will be emailed on Friday 14th February 2025, and acceptances must be received by Wednesday, 5th March 2025.

Offer-Holder Event:

If your child receives an offer, you will be invited to an event after the February half-term, exclusively for Offer Holders. Parents will have the opportunity to hear from members of our Senior Leadership Team and participate in a Q&A session. Moreover, your child will have the chance to meet other offer-holders and enjoy a fun taster lesson.


To secure your child's place at KGS, a confirmation deposit of £2,000 is required. The deposit will be part of the general funds of the School until it is credited, without interest, to the final payment of the fees or other sums due to the School when your child leaves.

Key Dates for 11+ Entry 2025

10+ Entry

Our 10+ deferred examination is for pupils in Year 5 at the time of the entrance assessments. It offers them the opportunity to secure an 11+ place a year early whilst continuing their primary education at their current school. Examination papers are taken in English and Mathematics. Those that perform strongly in all these papers will be invited for interview; however, not everyone interviewed will be offered a place.

Those pupils that accept a 10+ deferred place will not be required to sit the 11+ exam the following year. Further details of the co-curricular Scholarship application process will be sent in the Autumn term prior to the year of entry. Candidates who either decline or are not offered a deferred entry place can re-register to sit the 11+ exam the following year.

To register, please visit our registration page.

Key Dates for 10+ Entry 2026


For 11+ it is approximately 900 to 1000 candidates for 150 places. For 10+ it is approximately 300 to 350 for up to 20 places.

The entrance exams are broadly in line with the expected expertise gained from National Curriculum teaching at the appropriate Key Stage in English and Mathematics, therefore we do not recommend tutoring in these subjects.

The deadline for 11+ applications will be 7th October 2024, while for 10+ applications, it will extend to 22nd November 2024.

Extra time is allowed in all papers and a laptop computer may be used for written papers, provided that a professional (current school or Educational Psychologist) recommends this and it is approved by our Head of Learning Support. A copy of the report or recommendation should be attached to the registration form and be received by the registration deadline. The report will then be reviewed by our Head of Learning of Support who will then confirm whether or not any exam concessions will be offered. It is important to note that exam concession requests are reviewed in line with the requirements of the ‘Joint Council for Qualifications’; they will only be awarded if the pupil would be granted the concessions in external formal exams.

If your child is unwell on the day of the examination, you must contact the Admissions Team prior to scheduled start time of the exam. As long as you can supply a medical letter as proof of illness we will then endeavour to make alternative arrangements. Please contact [email protected] for further information.

You must contact the admissions team by the registration deadline to discuss alternative arrangements.

If you have a clash with another school, you must email admissions at [email protected] by the registration deadline stating the school with whom you have a clash. We will then endeavour to give you an exam time that will enable your child to make both exams that day.

Not at all, we do not take into account past applications and many students who are not successful at 10+ go on to receive offers at 11+.


You can find a copy of our Admissions Policy here.

Please email [email protected] should you require any further information.