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TEST Sixth Form Open Evening

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Kingston Grammar School, London Road, Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey, KT2 6PY, United Kingdom


All day
Open Day Sixth Form

Please note: this event is for prospective applicants and their parents for those starting A Level studies in September 2019 who do not currently attend Kingston Grammar School. All other entry points, plus those who wish to tour the school with their children, are invited to instead attend our Open Day on Saturday 29th September.

We invite all prospective applicants and their parents to attend. Entry is free but booking is essential. Places are limited and booking is on a first come, first served basis. We recommend booking early to avoid disappointment.

The evening will begin with a 7.00pm talk from our Head Master, Director of Sixth Form and current students. This will be followed by a subject fair offering further information about all A Levels subjects available at Kingston Grammar School, including the opportunity to speak to subject staff and current students. Prospective students will be invited to attend subject specific taster lessons during the evening. Please indicate subject interests when asked to do so during the booking process. 

Our Admissions team will be available to answer any questions about the 16+ entry process, including bursaries and scholarships. Staff from our Careers and Universities Dept will also be on hand to offer guidance and advice. Refreshments will be served throughout the evening and relevant literature will be available to take away.

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