Whilst there is still much to unpick and remedy, we are delighted that the A Level grades we submitted with absolute integrity have now been awarded. With 36% of grades at A*, 74% A*/A and 91% A*-B, the young men and women of Kingston Grammar School’s Upper Sixth 2020 have achieved some wonderful outcomes that acknowledge their abilities, hard work and determination over the last two years of study.
Our top-performing students were led by Izzy Hepburn who achieved 4 A*s, with Anand Aggarwal, Tim Baker, Toby Cole, Thomas Driver, Callum Farr, Alex Furmston, Ewan Galloway-Hale, Bijan Ghamsari-Esfahani, Sophia Habl, Izzy James, Ellie Lord, Bee Malka, Alexia North, Matthew Shipley, Chloe Taylor, Millie Whittle, Katherine Williamson and Matthew Wood all attaining three 3 A*s or Pre-U equivalents.
Chloe Taylor will now take up her place to read Biomedical Sciences at Balliol College, Oxford, alongside Alexia North who goes on to read History at Queen’s. Taking up places at Cambridge University are Toby Cole (Mathematics at Trinity Hall) and Tom Driver (Modern Languages at Emmanuel).
As in previous years, we are also delighted at the high numbers of KGS students who have been accepted onto the most competitive Medicine, Veterinary and Dentistry courses. Taking up places to study Medicine are Katherine Williamson (Hull/York), Lia Gutzwiller (Southampton), Charlie Stuart (Nottingham), Sayem Uddin (University College London), Matthew Wood (Imperial) and Camila Carbajal (King’s College London). Not only have they excelled academically, but they have also demonstrated a huge personal commitment in gaining crucial relevant work experience in order to become that next generation of professionals who deserve our unstinting praise and appreciation.
Gaining prestigious four-year rowing scholarships, Hannah Medcalf, Lily Abbott and Sophie Fussell are off to study at the University of Texas, Duke University in North Carolina and the University of California in Los Angeles respectively. Mr Ed Green, Director of Rowing at KGS, said, “I am very proud of what the students have achieved. They’ve worked relentlessly, week in, week out in all weathers, and these hard-won offers are proof of their commitment to the sport.”
This year, 86% of students achieved places at Russell Group universities, with 84% of our Upper Sixth Leavers attaining their first choice of course and university.
KGS Head Master Stephen Lehec commented, “The aspiration and commitment of all our students, and their teachers, has always been of paramount importance, and ensuring that this is fully and fairly recognised is our ultimate aim. This year’s results mean the KGS class of 2020 are able to begin the next stage of their academic studies with confidence and pride.
We are delighted that, despite the most challenging of circumstances, so many of our students have been awarded the excellent grades they deserve, which is testament to the students, their parents and to all the staff at the School. These students have contributed so much to the School and community and they will no doubt go on to make a significant contribution to our wider, global society in time, with the challenges of the last few months standing them in good stead to deal with any hurdles they face in the future.”