The most outstanding institutions that the independent sector has to offer have been recognised in the 2023 AMCIS IMPACT Awards. These awards seek to celebrate campaigns which have made a significant impact on a school and its community.
This week, AMCIS (Admissions, Marketing and Communications in Independent Schools) announced that Kingston Grammar School had been awarded the 2023 Branding IMPACT Award. In 2022, the Marketing Department launched the #MoreThanJustASixthForm campaign aimed at promoting the additional benefits offered beyond our academic curriculum. The use of pop art-style designs was chosen to complement a vivid colour palette to attract attention and highlight that studying at KGS is not just about academic results but includes a comprehensive programme of life skills, community service, career guidance and super curricular opportunities that helps prepare students for the world beyond school.
Director of Marketing & Admissions Alison Williams said: “We are thrilled to have won this award. The decision to evolve the marketing campaign and introduce the pop art-style designs has been a huge success. We are honoured to receive this acknowledgement from AMCIS.”
The AMCIS judges commented: “This is a very well-targeted piece of branding and is visually engaging and appropriate for the 15+ audience. It is a logical, consistent development from the school’s central branding while being at the same time exciting, different and bold. The pictorial treatment is contemporary and arresting and yet maintains the gravitas inherent in this academically selective school. It was great seeing such a refreshing treatment for this age group.”
You can see the full list of schools shortlisted for AMCIS IMPACT Awards at www.amcis.co.uk
For more information, please contact:
Ms Alison Williams
Director of Marketing & Admissions